Our driving schools have an exclusive driver's education program that hire only the finest people to instruct our students. The knowledge and expertise of our staff will prepare the students for the great responsibility that comes with obtaining a Driver's License. The most important aspect of driver's education is safety. A well trained driver means a lot to us. He or she are the best safety device that one can install in any car. By hiring the best instructors WE will provide the confidence and belief that anyone can be the best Driver on the Road. Our goal is to teach each and every Student to master the driving side of life and shift the skills into a higher gear!
Highlights and features
- Adult Courses, Teen Courses
Associations and certifications
- Better Business Bureau
How to Check Engine Oil Levels
Learn how to check engine oil and perform basic auto maintenance with expert auto mechanics advice in this free online car care video clip.
How to: Drive stick shift
In this video I explain and demonstrate how to drive a stick shift vehicle. I tried to be as detailed as possible for people who are true beginners.
Aug 10, 2022